Thursday, November 30, 2006

An Exercise to Develop "Voice" in Writing

In order to develop a unique voice in your writing, write in the “voice” of an imagined character. Here’s an exercise to help you develop that voice in your writing. Post, also, the results of your exercise in using the voice of a 13 year old narrator (one page scene in the first person) from our class exercise.

Here's an edit of Catherine's example

Here's an edit of Hiromi's example

Here's an edit of Larry's example

“Think of a person that you've noticed, but don't know—a drugstore clerk, a bus driver, a politician, a celebrity. Using the first-person, write a two-page scene that describes a moment in the life that you imagine for that person. What is he/she thinking about? What matters to him/her? What doesn't? How does his/her mind work?”—Ali Smith; short story writer from England

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Reader Comments for Brad's Story, "The Bike"

Something I wrote six years ago in an English 10 class. Uses the story, "The Trout" as a jumping off point.

"The Bike"

Reader Comments for Larry's Story, "Einstein"

Put your comments here for the story. You can use either reader-based or criterion-based (or both) as a guide. A copy of the story is available as the first comment.

Reader Comments for James' Story, "The Corner"

Put your comments here for the story. You can use either reader-based or criterion-based (or both) as a guide. A copy of the story is available as the first comment.

Reader Comments for Catherine's Story, "Dreamers"

Catherine posted a revision of her story last week, but because it hasn't a special "post" spot for comments, it seems to have been forgotten. I post a copy here in the first comment spot for you to see and comment on.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Reader Comments for Hiromi's story, "Her Own Two Feet"

Comments here:

Read an edit of the story by Brad in Word format, showing editing changes and commenting on strengths and weaknesses in the writing.

Reader Comments for "Cute Sonya"

Leave your comments here for Choi's story.

Reader Comments for "Once Upon a Time" (NEW DRAFT)


Stacey's posted a new draft of her story with an ending as of last night. I moved it here so everyone finds it easily. Click on "Comments" to read it.

NEW: Brad's edit with suggestions.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Put Reader-Based Feedback Here for "Flying from Cuckoo nest"

Here's where you can comment for Suzanne's story, "Flying from Cuckoo nest"

Put Reader-Based Feedback Here for "The Warm Restaurant"

Add your comments here for Rosaria's story. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Copying Text from Comments

Think you guys could use a lesson.

Select the text you want to copy. Use the "edit" then "copy" command or right click your mouse to open a menu and select copy.

Switch to or open Word or Notepad. For Word select "edit" and then "paste special" and choose "unformatted text." Notepad is easier, just "edit" then "paste"

Print it off and get out a pencil.

Lots of stories this week. Maybe an all class editing and critique is in order. We can save the Greek for next week!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Zeugma Zeugma Zeugma (Challenge Anyone?)

Simple: Use all the different kinds of zeugma on the sheet in a paragraph or two of a short story or just a scene.

Try to fit it in naturally.

Topics for a scene: anything you like. Only remember: Show, Don't Tell!