Thursday, November 26, 2009

Commas, Commas, Commas

Here's the link: Comma Placement

If you'd like to practice, try writing a short piece that uses all the different kinds of commas discussed on your worksheet (without being boring!)

The Jealous Character

Write, using only description of a person's actions, to show a person who is "jealous." According to Wordsmyth, jealous is "envious of the qualities, possessions, or achievements of another." It can also mean, "doubtful and suspicious of the faithfulness of someone for whom one has affection; fearful of losing the other's affection."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Taking a Walk with a Notebook in Hand

Go to the nearest stationery store. Buy a small, spiral bound notebook with lined pages. Walk to and from the store if you can.

On the way back (or later), closely observe two locations. You might choose a place you like and another that you dislike. Take a good look. Slow down and notice things: maybe that fence needs painting. Or the 30 meter fir tree swaying in the wind. Whatever you see . . .

Write your impressions immediately into your notebook. If you have a digital camera, take a picture of the scene to aid your memory.

Write a brief report on your experience. What did you find? Did you notice anything new? Do you have any ideas you could use in your writing?

A Person You've Noticed: Using the First Person

“Think of a person that you've noticed, but don't know—a drugstore clerk, a bus driver, a politician, a celebrity. Using the first-person, write a two-page scene that describes a moment in the life that you imagine for that person. What is he/she thinking about? What matters to him/her? What doesn't? How does his/her mind work?”—Ali Smith; short story writer from England

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Posting Versus Commenting

Hi All,

I noted that Lola and Kay both posted work rather than entering it as a comment. I've duly moved your work into the correct post, so not to worry. Please look at post titles to find the right place to put work so it stays organized and easy to find.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Smelly Story?

Using the work you did in class today (and the ideas we discussed), please submit some "smelly" writing.

Begin with these words: "I remember the smell . . .

Sorry that I sent the wrong file to myself. It will need to wait until Wednesday. Sorry!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Story Idea?

Present a story idea for discussion. Create a basic dilemma for a character to experience. Choose a genre. Create a basic plot (what happens) and list it in point form.

Writing that Matches Vonnegut's Seven Suggestions

Post short (100-word) excerpts here, please.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

"Rain on My Face" Writing

Using the "Lake O'Hara Lodge" piece as a guide, rewrite your in-class work starting from the idea of having rain on your face. Try for at least one longer than your usual sentence and make the sensory details better, too!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Personification Example

As assigned by L in your previous class.