Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dialogue (Patchwork Farm Writing Retreat Prompt)

Write a piece that is entirely dialogue. Write a minimum of ten exchanges, where a single exchange includes one person's speech and another's answer. Here are some possible beginning lines:

You never told me...

Where is the cat?

Can't he ever remember to...

I would like a little respect around here.

And where did you say you were?

To me, a friend is...

Use an extended metaphor. Please write a minimum of five sentences.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

To Me, Spring is . . .

This time write two versions using metaphor: one positive and one negative.

Rage, Peace, Loss, Evil

Starting with images brought to mind by one of the abstract words, write what comes to you. You may write fiction, memoir, narrative; whatever suits you.

Marc and Beatrice Edited Stories

From Marc: Accomodador

From Beatrice: Tomorrow

Monday, April 20, 2009

Published Pieces and Edits

Three pieces published this week at The Pearson Buzz: Beatrice's "The Newly-Rich Mushroom"; Makassia's "Lies that Can't be Proven"; Frank's "Not the Biggest Rain Ever."

Edits showing my changes (in Word format):

Thursday, April 16, 2009

To Me, Writing is . . .

Begin this way:

To me, writing is . . .

Use some kind of metaphor to explain yourself.

A Favorite Tree (Patchwork Farm Writing Retreat Prompt)

"Think of a favorite tree, living or gone. Begin writing with a close description of the tree, even if you have to make up the details. Let something happen around the tree." (like a mini story)

In addition, include at least one synechdoche to your writing. To practice further with Zeugma, try to include one type you did not use in last week's piece. Have fun!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Eve's Story, "Outdoor Cat" EDITED

As you know, one student (who wins the lucky draw!) receives a full edit each week. Eve submitted her story, all 1627 words! View my comments, suggestions and corrections here: "Outdoor Cat-edited" BTW, once your name is drawn, it is removed so others have a better chance.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Zeugma Challenge (Just for Fun)

Try writing a funny story that uses three or more different examples of zeugma. Successful pieces can be published in our "Just for Fun" section at The Pearson Buzz!

The Best Least Favorite Food

Make a list of your favorite foods; now list your least favorite foods. Write beginning with something from the second list as though it were the best food in the world.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Dialogue: Person and an Object

Write a dialogue between a person and an object. We all, sometimes, talk to things (not only people). One example is when a person talks to his or her car, but there are many others . . . Have fun!

A Rainy Day Story (Choose a Suitable Design)

Working from today's handout write a rainy day story. Use all the techniques you know: simile, dialogue, characterization . . . Also, try to do at least one amplification based on the Greek Technique we did in class today. Link to information on amplification.