Thursday, November 27, 2008

Online Notebook for November 28 to December 4

This week, please comment only on weather. Write about anything that comes to mind, but please remember to consider the five senses when observing the world of weather around you!


Brad said...

The first sound I heard this morning was the trickle in the downspout outside my window. Rain masked the sounds of Vancouver waking up. I stretched, propped my hands behind my head and waited for the heat to come on.

hyunni's place said...

hello, this is my online notebook on the weather... i hope u like it~^^*
It was so hard for Greg to wake up, but not this morning.
'Oh, crap~' He thought as he was getting up because the weather outside was clammy.He had to get up and get dressed for the work. He wanted to call for sick.

Putik said...

Strips of rain were cascading on the outside surface my window.
I went out, and as soon as I opened the door, I heard the the music of the rain,rhythmically rattling on the ground.I looked above and watched the rain fell, thousands of meters from the sky.I went out in the open area and stretched my arms wide. I closed my eyes and felt the rain on my face.I tasted the rain and it was refreshing.
It was a tranquil Sunday morning.

Eve Yan said...

Waking up in the morning, the apartment windows and patio were soaked in the mist of cloud, and you could hardly see the building opposite and the street. It was untrue to live in the cloud of dreamland. “No, maybe not today, I will not drink coffee this morning.” I feel defeated if I have to rely on the caffeine. Soon my body started to crumble and my mind started to sink, and I began to understand why so many people are drinking coffee, and gave myself an excuse again to make a cup. “Oh, God, it is bitter” I put some sugar in it, and I still didn’t like the taste of it, so I managed to drink it really fast, soon, my body started to wake up, even though my mind still refused to.

136 words

Brad said...

The white geraniums leaned into the wind, trembling like an old man's hand.

Hongxin Guo said...

The raindrops tipped the sky train window. The low clouds covered the Burnaby hill at far, and the high rises near were merged too. Almost nothing can be seen. What a vast blur of mist and rain!

The train carried us forward, and inside there’s neither rain, nor wind, but bright and warm. I was carried away by the hazy scene outside. I stared at the “Chaos” in a trance thinking nothing as an innocent child.

larry said...

"Larry, come on and see the sky." My wife shouted with excitement.

I lifted myself from the computer talbe and hurried towards the windows."Oh!My,"I sighed when I glanced out of the window.

There was a fiery sunset at the horizon beyond, the sky seemed on fire. I wondered if some fireworks was going on in Heavens.

a crazy couple said...

Sky was deeply grey, crying bitterly for something that I do not know about it, in Vancouver, these days. I remember never had seen such grey, gloomy sky ever. Indeed, Vancouver is beautiful and green unlike my homeland, Iran. However, I miss the gorgeous desert of Iran. In the early morning, the sky will be painted by such indescribable colours like pink, orange, purple, yellow, and azure that nobody could explains its beauty. The sky is pure, flat and clear blue, oh no, azure. The colour of the Iran’s sky is deep blue maybe because of that we call our country “the dome of turquoise”.

Catherine said...

An Old Cradlesong

I woke up but still was whelming in the story of Twilight. Drip…drip…drip, it was raining and dark—just like Forks, the place my favorite characters Edward Cullen and Bella Swan live in.

“They love rain! And, of course, so do I!”

Drop…drop…drop, the wind and rain was beating the glass of the window and together they were playing on an old cradlesong—my eyelids were too heavy to open up like they were made of lead.

-77 words

mia said...

When heading home, it rained. I was in a hurry to open up my umbrella. The rain was so heavy that I could hear the raindrops striking my umbrella cloth. I was obliged to run hoping to arrive home as soon as possible. All of a sudden, I realized the rain relented and became drizzle. I slowed down my pace and enjoyed the mistlike drops falling down my face.

--69 words

Makassia said...

Standing on my bed to see through the window, I saw clouds outlined the sky and suddenly, I heard raindrops on the roof, but still I wanted to go to the mall. I wore my waterproof jacket and headed to the door. As I slammed the door open, a cold breeze blew my face and I suddenly felt sleepy and wished I were in bed instead.

66 words