Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ziggurat Sentences: Part Two

Imitate, as closely as possible, O'Connor's structure but make the writing your own.

Sample One:

“Just . . .” The new girl blushed, then went pale. “Well . . . you know. It’s like I said before.” After that, she put her hands in her lap, became very quiet, and seemed to shrink to half her size.

Sample Two:

He took to wearing a kerchief and giving his lips a hasty wipe after every meal.


Brad said...

“Maybe . . .” The young man wheezed, then coughed. “Because . . .if I. What I mean is.” After that, he slumped his shoulders, looked over his shoulder, and seemed to be waiting for someone to arrive.

She took to showing a bit of leg and tugging her shirt down whenever he looked her way.

hyunni's place said...

-Ziggurat Sentences, part 2:

Sample One: “Well, what I’m trying to. . .” she paused, then she typed, “What I meant to say is. . .” After that, she waited, stared at the monitor for a long time, and cried for no answer from him.

Sample Two: She took to taking a bus and unconsciously stopped at his place, and waited for him.

Elaine Elphick said...

"I-I don't know. . ." Thomas felt sick, then went pale. "Well. . .you know how it
goes, Ma." He sat their silently, leaning back in his chair, and seemed to fade into the wallpaper.

He took to wearing a hat and giving his face a splash of aftershave before leaving
the house.