Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pitch Your Ideas!

Take a look at our online newspaper, The Pearson Buzz, and read some of the stories in the various "Features" categories (see the left side navigation). After you do, come back here and "pitch" (suggest) a story idea that might interest our student readers. State which category would work or suggest a new one if you wish.

BTW, I checked our most recent articles stats and found readers from Vancouver, New Westminster and Coquitlam. We also have regular readers from Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), West Hollywood, Phnom Phen (Cambodia) and Torino (Italy) among many other cities.

Let's make this year's edition the best ever!


Shadow Shu--Beatirce said...

My two favourite topics are: Rage and Rant, and Travel Journal.

Everybody have rage and rant, so sharing such experiences with other people might be helpful to others and it's a good way to release writes' own depression. So share it and let it go.

Travel is one of the most interesting things we can enjoy on this earth. And hopefully, most of our travels are memorable. A good travel journal doesn't have to be pleasant, sometimes, it's awful. However, it should be interesting to others. I guess everybody would have traveled once in their life, so it could be a common topic.

Me, myself like to write about marriage. Not only because my own marriage is unique, but I've observed and found every couple have unique marriage. Marraige reflects one's life attituade. Somebody said that all happy families are silimar but unhappy families would have different tragedies. I don't belive there is an absolute happy family; it takes time to understand it. But an awful marraige can creat philosophers. Let's see who is the philosopher.

Brad said...

So will you write a rant or a rave about marriage, Beatrice?

I`d like to write another piece for the section "On Writing," especially as it applies to my experiences with the class this year.

One idea is to write about the importance of regular practice and point the reader to some good resources for prompts and ideas for writing short pieces.

Kamaljeet said...

I would like to write about culture differences because I always enjoy and correct my self when I read about other cultures. Each culture has its own values and some seems negative, but they aren’t. It is not that I want to write just about my culture, I would like to write about other cultures too.

Frank Jin said...

My favorite topic is “books we like”. Reading is a good habit. It can widen our knowledge and at the same time it can improve our English level. But one of my big questions always is which books are worthy to read and what they write about. Although there are many different favorite between persons to persons, I still believe we prefer trying others’ recommendation firstly to searching randomly in library.

Wazhma said...

I would like to write about speedy cooking because I am very much interested in cooking. According to my family, I cook well. Maybe that is because they want me to take the cooking on. Lets see and find out…

Zarghoona said...

My favourite topic is the “Cultural Differences” because I have experienced four different cultures through my life. While being new to a culture, funny things can happen to you. Sometimes, you think of yourself as being a “living joke”. However, all those cultures have their impact on your behaviour which leads sometimes to confusions, even for you.

Hongxin Guo said...

Pitch your ideas

I’d like to write about Travel Journey, for I like the landscape sightseeing. While reading some essays about tours, I do like the natural beauty, the pastoral farmland or the majesty mountains. The natural beauty often gives me some kinds of inspiration. Reading the Travel Journey, such as Helena’s essay, also triggers some connections.

On Helena’s “Travel Journal”

Reading Helena’s “Travel Journal”, I seem to have a visit of this wonderful Taoist abbey and meet this unique priest Yuan Tong. Through her travel, Helena gives us a lesson of the Taoism.

I can imagine the beauty of the landscape, the fresh air and the pure water. The Taoists are seeking for the nature, so the abbey usually positioned at a place that far from the cities. The abbey can be simple as a common cottage, even a cave. That is helpful for their mortification.

The wearing of Yuan Tong is simple. But his soul is noble. His voice and his words can “penetrate into your heart and heal your inner world.” –hearing that “just like drinking the pure spring water”. That is the power of the theory of Tao. So the Taoist, Yuan Tong, is so unique like a shinny jade wrapped in a piece of coarse cloth.

Other than the jade, the pure water has been being appraised by the Taoists over thousands years. The water has many excellent characters. It is humble—the water always possesses at a lower place and never competes with others. It donates itself for living the others. It is soft and formless, and flexible. All of those are the noble merits. Do you think Yuan Tong is following the Taoism philosophy? That is why Yuan Tong makes us feel that he is like a wisp of white cloud floating high in the blue sky—above the mortal world.

“Be detached from what you desire most; it will come to you.” What priest Yuan Yong said is the sincere words and earnest wishes. Do you understand? Do you like to do it?

Eve Yan said...

Child rearing is a job full of joy and happiness, all the parents love to share this precious moment with others. In this industrialized society, we tend to focus on money making and money spending; child rearing doesn’t seem to be the major focus of our society. However, I love to fulfill this task as a life time experience in stead of duty or responsibility one has to do.

Sadly, we tend to fantasize the child rearing experience, not realizing the little youngsters are trying to conquer the world, in another sense, trying to conquer the parents. There are defiant children out there who are driving parent crazy everyday. Why don’t we share it and bring darkness into bright light.

Life is not perfect so is child rearing; I love every parent to share it for better or worse.

139 words

Makassia said...

The topic I like is “books we like” because I always read and love to tell people about the book I read.

Writing about books we like might interest the reader of the newspaper and even try finding the book mentioned.

I also think writing book reviews would help better understand it.

Sloopy said...

The topic I enjoy the most is "Music we like".

There are a few reasons for this. First of all music is something that we can connect with our entire life. No matter what your feeling at the time music can be there. Friends and family can help you through a lot of tough things sometimes. But for me personally music has been one of my greatest ways of coping with issues. I can name different songs, that for me, provide comfort. Another set of songs that I tend to listen to when I'm very frustrated with life. Yet another group of songs when I'm completely infatuated with someone.

I'm sure that many other people have this same way of thinking as I do on this topic. It is a very broad subject to talk about and discuss.

Ruth said...

The topic which most attracts me is Learning From Animals. It's an interesting topic. First of all, I love animals and be fascinated by them to some degree in my childhood. I think our human being
have strong soul-tie with them. Second, animals have some precious traits that are worthy to observer and learn from. Lastly, I think it's a funny, light, and enjoyable topic and could please readers a lot by giving them some inspiration.