Saturday, December 09, 2006

Favorite Poem Project: Video Collection


Fascinating videos of ordinary people explaining why they like a particular poem and then reading the poem aloud.
Favorite Poem Project Videos
(to see the videos, click on a title, then on the reader's picture)


Stacey said...

This is one of my favorite poems because I wrote it.

Foreign Land.

I have seen you in my dreams.
I have inhaled your scent in sleep.
I have immersed my hands in your soil and lay on the shores of your ocean.
Your sun has warmed my skin and your rain has touched my soul.
I have been witness to your storm as it rises, lightening bright, filling the sky.
I understand your language and the sound is sweet, seductive.
I listen with all my heart and feel as though my skin is aflame.
One day I will immerse myself.
Consume and be consumed.
Give myself over and visit a foreign land.

Brad said...

Hi Stacey,

If you are interested, I have some changes I'd suggest that reduces the length, adds stanzas etc. Let me know and I'll pass them on to you.