Sunday, April 04, 2010

Field Work: Take Off Your Shoes and Socks

Take off your shoes and socks, close your eyes, feel the floor/ground with your whole foot. Let yourself remember a time when you were barefoot and begin writing with one small image. Write whatever comes.

1 comment:

Putik said...

The heat is visibly bouncing off the white sand. I am sitting under the shade of a tree, rubbing the fine sand beneath my feet, toeing it. I grasp a handful of sand, and the tighter I hold, the faster they escape between my fingers. I gaze at the sparkling sea-- at its vastness, its horizon. The sun is round, an immaculate hole in a blue, cloudless sky. I lay flat on my back and close my eyes. I hear the waves, crashing on the shore. Birds are cawing in the distant. I sit again, cross-legged like a yogi, eyes still closed. The warm wind blows, plucking the braches of the trees like a mystical lyre. The leaves are rustling. Everything around me seems to be chanting for a nymph. (Even my very heartbeat and breathing are joining the ancient choir.) Wonderful and tranquil, nature‘s music is. A kamikaze insect lands on my skin--blood on my palm. I stand up, do a bit of stretching, and swim at the freezing, salty sea.