Thursday, November 19, 2009

Taking a Walk with a Notebook in Hand

Go to the nearest stationery store. Buy a small, spiral bound notebook with lined pages. Walk to and from the store if you can.

On the way back (or later), closely observe two locations. You might choose a place you like and another that you dislike. Take a good look. Slow down and notice things: maybe that fence needs painting. Or the 30 meter fir tree swaying in the wind. Whatever you see . . .

Write your impressions immediately into your notebook. If you have a digital camera, take a picture of the scene to aid your memory.

Write a brief report on your experience. What did you find? Did you notice anything new? Do you have any ideas you could use in your writing?


Kay said...

On my way to purchase notebook: I noted how very dirty the streets are in the rental apt. area below 8th.ave and 6th. street,sidewalk and boulvarde area disgusting .
Public seem to misuse non/ownership
rental communities
As a young person after the war I
assumed prosperity would allow all
things to progress : streets would be cleaner people smarter and kinder, protection and care provided for citizens. It may have
gone that way for some but not for
all . what seem to prevail is a dog eat dog attutude ..

Dollar Store :

Purchased note pad , no wonder there is no unemployement in china.
How can they manufacture all this
stuff so cheaply? We complain about human rights and underpaid labor in china , but here we are the hungry consumer . There should
be a happy medium between union wage and slave labor. So what do I
do about this , what else I purchase my notebook and leave.

Brad said...

On my way home after a shop on Main Street, I noted the small white bungalow on the corner. I pass by most days, but today I stopped to notice a few details.

One of the windows has a poorly fitted weatherstrip that bulges out in the middle. The siding is vinyl and, above the garden, there is a water mark from the wet leaves touching it. Above me, I notice a sturdy wood frame for a wisteria. The plant itself still has a few leaves clinging, but most are gone. The ones that remain are yellow or brown and will soon be gone.