Thursday, April 03, 2008

Simile Simile Simile

Put your sample similes here. No need to do all ten unless you are as hardworking as a RAV line tunneler trying to get ready for the Olympics!


Brad said...

His hands were as steady as an Afghan deminer's removing landmines.

The sadness she felt was like a hammer hit on a fingernail.

The room was as warm as Las Vegas in July.

The light was as bright as oncoming blue halogens on a highway.

Like an old dog, he refused to move any further.

suzanne said...

Sentences of Simile

1. Rambunctious: The boy’s rambunctious behavior is as violent as a barbarian.

2. Brightness: When the moon shone, his bald head glowed as bright as a bulb.

3. steadiness: After suffering from various hardships, his idea of success became as steady as the earth in its orbit.

4. Stubbornness: People describe an insistent person with the words “as stubborn as a mule.”

5. Sadness: When he confronts a bad situation, he always responds as sad as the end of the world.

6. Industriousness: No matter how busy he is, he still participates in volunteer work, for his industry is as unquenchable as an inferno.

7. Complexity: When the math quiz was hard to figure out, his mood was as complex as a complicated puzzle.

8. Warmth: A good friendship is as warm as the breeze in spring which nourishes your soul.

9. Fulfillment: After his performance and the crowd applauded, his sense of fulfillment was as satisfied as it could possibly be.

10. Pleasure.: A pleasure is like a gift that makes people happy.

Ruth said...

His roar was as rambunctious as thunderclap.

Her eyes were as bright as stars twinkling in the sky at night.

His mind was as stubborn as an insensate stone.

Her sadness was like cold wind in winter piercing to her bones.

He was as industrious as a honeybee.

The thing was as complex as a jumbled mass of reeds.

The result was as fulfilling as the happy ending of a story.

Hongxin Guo said...


1. He rushed about rambunctiously like a mustang.

2. The moonlight of the Mid-autumn Festival night shines as bright as daylight.

3. The heron stands still as a statue in the water.

4.He is stubborn as a mule.

5.She felt very sad as it was a final farewell.

6. They worked as industrious as beavers.

7. Facing the complexity we are as if lost in a thick fog.

8.These good words like a warm current course through my body.

9.The mission was fulfilled as easy as falling a log.

10.Event has past, we are all pleasure as usual.

Natalia said...

1. Rambunctious: Playing by themselves, children became as rambunctious as monkeys escaped from the cage.
2. Brightness: After taking a shower, she was refreshed; her hair looked as shiny and bright as luxurious fur.

3.Steadiness: He tried to reach his goal with the steadiness of salmon going up the river to lay its eggs.

4. Stubbornness: He considered himself as a persistent person, but for many people he appeared as stubborn as a spoilt child who demands unreachable things.

5. Sadness: After his divorce process was finished, he looked as sad and pale as Pierrot –the melancholy hero of French pantomime theatre.
6. Industriousness: At his job he was industrious as excavator, digging deep into the problem to solve.
7. Complexity: The question was as complex as life.
8. Warmth: The shawl my mother gave me as a present was like her warm and comforting hug.
9. Fulfillment: He was well stuffed at the buffet; his stomach was filled with different food and looked like a balloon that is ready to burst.
10. Pleasure. After long winter, Nancy was enjoying sunshine on the beach like a seal turning lazily from one side to another.

Masaru said...


The minutes Canucks won the Stanley Cap, the spectators in G.M.Place became rambunctious like a beehive hit with a hockey stick.

After she heard the news her husband’s operation had succeeded, her face became as bright as a full moon.

The unsteadiness of the oil price will make consumers feel like walking on tight rope in the air.

That old man’s stubbornness to hang on his life line is like the Cedar Tree with hole in Stanley Park.

The sadness of that Canucks couldn’t advance to playoff spot felt him like he missed a lottery jack pot by one number.

Brad has been typing industriously for hours like a beaver tries to make a nest in a river.

The case of Princess Dian’s death has a political complexity behind it like a protest for Olympic torch runner to Beijing.

Surrounded by warm well come home atmosphere, she felt like been covered with a down quilt.

That company’s punctual fulfillment of a contract is well known as surely as a homing pigeon.

The pleasure of getting hole in one on a golf course cannot be bought like to fall in love with a beautiful girl and get marriage.

First draft 210 words