Monday, December 13, 2010

The Man Across the Street (Prompt)

The man across the street is trimming branches off a tree with a chain saw. He stops suddenly and tries to see into the window of the house. Begin the story with this setting/idea. It is not necessary to put the words in the piece if you don't wish to do so.

Use these verbs: gasp, turns, crush, flutter, bonk

Use these nouns: Porsche, projector, tear

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Field Work: Shopping

Note your observations while shopping. It can be any kind--for food, for clothes, for electronics. Describe one of the shopkeepers and one of the shoppers. If something bothers you when shopping, note that also.

*Try to do this exercise before we return to class on January 6, 2011

Friday, December 03, 2010

Three Word Dialogues

Put your dialogue here, but add a bit of narration to it to make it more interesting (description of characters' actions, a bit of setting and so on) However, remember that the dialogue is still limited to only three words!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Making our Writing More Metaphorical

Using the handout as a guide, find three or four (or more!) places in your current story to add metaphor. Paste your original sentence and then provide us with a new, improved and wonderfully metaphorical one in its place.

Writers slip sliding on thin ice making metaphors just in time to prevent themselves from falling in . . .