Thursday, December 28, 2006

"A Man Gets Off a Bus" Five Versions Exercise

Post your versions of one event:
A man gets off a bus, stumbles, looks around embarrassed and sees a woman, smiling at him. Post at least two different versions!

Read practical information about different points of view to help you get started.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Best Wishes

Hi, everyone: Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Friday, December 15, 2006

List Poem: "I Prefer . . ."


Following Szymborska's example, "Possibilities," post your very own list poem! Oh, and I prefer books over anything, so many thanks for the gift card . . .

Five Versions of One Event Exercise (REVISED)


Post your versions of one event:
A man gets off a bus, stumbles, looks around embarrassed and sees a woman, smiling at him. Post at least two different versions!

Read practical information about different points of view to help you get started.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

UPDATED: Trouble Logging In? Here's a SOLUTION


Before you go to comments login by clicking on the Blogger "B." Be sure to click "remember me" so you won't need to login again.

You will have fewer problems if you download a copy of Firefox (browser).

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Favorite Poem Project: Video Collection


Fascinating videos of ordinary people explaining why they like a particular poem and then reading the poem aloud.
Favorite Poem Project Videos
(to see the videos, click on a title, then on the reader's picture)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Exercise Using a Specific Vocabulary

You must use the words in bold. Keep it short and try to make sense.

Colours: turquoise, green, pink, aquamarine, magenta, black, indigo, maroon

Place: Venice, Vancouver, New York, Deer Lake, Disney World, the seashore, Florida, Mexico

Breadbox sized object: spatula, ring, water bottle, book, a bomb, key, nail polish

Smell of: coffee, gasoline, curry, popcorn, money, bo body odour, milk, perfume, brownies, cookies, dirty socks

The sound of: trains, wind, mufflers, wolves, coyotes, people, motorcycles, clock

The taste of: cotton candy, chocolate, vanilla yogurt, Pringles, medicine, bile, blood, muffins

A nickname: honey bunny, sweetie pie, baby, buddy, devil, asshole, pumpkin (punkin), picky, dork, punk, dude

A fruit: papaya, watermelon, mango, pear, mandarin orange, peach, cherries, strawberries, blueberries, grapes

Something we wear: jeans, a ring, silk scarf, underwear, sweater, a tie, bowtie, eyeglasses, cosmetics, perfume, a tux

Something shiny: diamonds, a bald head, ice, hubcaps (car rims), eyes, a knife, stars, gold, salmon, teeth, sequins