Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Field Work: Closed Eyes in Your Kitchen

Go to your kitchen. Close your eyes for a few minutes. Note smells and sounds. Now, open your eyes and note colours, textures, light, what is on the walls (and etc.).

Write something that begins with "It was there . . ." and use your notes as a guide.

The Pearson Buzz: Revisions and Edits and More

If you've edited/revised a piece, put it here for us to see. I'll also show you my edits and suggestions here in a Word file by next week. Remember that we don't have a class on March 25. Next class is April 1st!

Note that new pieces are welcome here, too.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Pearson Buzz: First Draft of an Article

Time to write something you would like to see published. Put your first draft here before we meet again on Thursday, March 18.

Field Work: Looking Out a Small Window

Look out a small window. Notice everything you can see. Find something that draws your eye but takes up no more than 1/20th of the view. Begin with that something and write. Try to write a longer piece than you usually do.